Monday, November 12, 2012

Rough Monday

Mondays are always rough, but this one was the most disappointing in a while. 

I've been pretty open about the fact that we are house hunting.  As much as I love my little town house, it's simply not big enough for the two of us, plus two dogs, not to mention when we start a family. 

I hate house hunting, there is almost nothing I like about it.  I get frustrated enough shopping for clothes that fit correctly that I like, house hunting nearly sends me over the edge. 

The first day we went out, we looked at 13 houses.  We saw some we really liked and some we really didn't like.  The second day we went out we saw about 6 more, again, some we really liked and some we didn't.  

We thought it over for a week, went to the bank, and decided to take a second look at two houses.  After more discussion, we called our realtor and told her we wanted to make an offer on one of the houses. 

Early Sunday morning, she sent us the paperwork, we signed and initialed it and sent it back.  We waiting all day on Sunday, but never heard anything.  This morning (Monday), our realtor texted us to tell us the seller had already accepted an offer on Saturday morning. 

I got my hopes up...I pictured us in that house.  I pictured myself in that kitchen making breakfasts and dinners.  I pictured where the nursery would go and how the play rooms would be set up.  I let myself get really attached to a house and I'm now heartbroken that someone else gets it. 

I hate house hunting. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry to hear this! I can't even imagine the pain that goes into house hunting. I will keep y'all in my prayers, as always! Love you!
