Saturday, May 7, 2011


It's been almost 3 years of taking classes, studying on weekends, doing research, spending hours upon hours at the library completing papers and projects, but it all ended today!  Working all day and studying at night, studying at swim practice, rush home from meets to take a test, but now it's all over! 

It's almost official!  I found out today I passed my diagnostician certification test, I finished my last test in my last class of my Masters program!  Now I just have to wait to see if I made an A or a B in the class and I am done!!! 

I was so excited today when I walked out of Matthews Hall on UNT's campus this morning.  I saw my certification scores (90%, thank you very much), I completed my final test, I turned in all of my test kits, and I walked out with a huge smile and the weight of the world off of my shoulders! 


  1. Congrats! You're such a rockstar!

  2. Congratulations Lauren. I know you have worked hard, and you should be very proud.

  3. Congratulations! That's so awesome!! You're a rockstar!
